Archive for the ‘II. Self-perception’ Category

II. 5. Laura’s Trilemma


Self-perception is constituted by the known by us circumstances about ourselves, and its structure is formed by the degree of importance we grant to each of these circumstances. This “inner” hierarchy changes continuously. As time passes and our experience grows, we get to know ourselves better, because the longer our life is, the more opportunities we have had to check on the validity of our self-image. (more…)

II. 4. Scott Juggles with His Future


Certainly, the sense of vocation is not the only type of self-projecting circumstances, which could occupy a top position in our self-perception. Moreover, no matter how strong a vocation is, at a certain point of our lives it can become irrelevant to the environment, which risks making us irrelevant. Successful people haven’t necessarily relied on their vocation. Some of them haven’t had a well-established talent at all. What those have been driven by was not their self-perception, but their extremely acute perception of the environment. (more…)

II. 3. Poor Pamela, Lucky Dave


There is a set of circumstances which casts an extremely powerful influence over our ever changing self-perception: our natural vocations. As a matter of fact, they represent its most cherished, its sweetest part, since A) following and developing them requires less effort and causes more joy than any other activity, and B) they bring us self-confidence through reinforcing our sense of uniqueness and even superiority to others. A self-perception where vocation occupies a leading spot in its hierarchal structure is one of a very happy person… (more…)

II. 2. John’s Path to Maturity


Throughout our lives, up to the simplest actions we perform, our behavior is being driven by two major instincts: self-projection and self-preservation. Our survival and well-being depend on how we manage the balance between them. (more…)

II. 1. Animals, But Not Quite


Since the dawn of mankind people’s behavior can be categorized in two main courses of actions. For the sake of simplicity, let’s take our primeval ancestors, whose daily grind wasn’t “burdened” by the technological achievements of modernity. What must have been the life of a man occupying the Earth 50,000 years ago? His activities would have been organized around caring for and protecting himself, caring for and protecting his kin, reproducing, and playing. Certainly, behind each of these four descriptions there lies a multitude of various actions, but these categories cover basically all of his behavior. (more…)

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